Whether you haven’t joined this sensation yet or you’re a budding content creator yourself, there are plenty of reasons to think about joining TikTok. It’s widely known this newest social platform is booming in popularity. There are commercials for learning on TikTok, celebrities are participating in challenges, and content creators are sharing all kinds of lifestyle tips. Everyone’s loving it! And you should, too – even if it’s just to watch.

4 reasons to join TikTok

Use TikTok for education and entertainment. While TikTok is widely known for starting charity-driven or crazy challenges, there’s much more going on in this social space. As mentioned, there’s a hashtag specifically for learning: #LearnOnTikTok which houses videos on global tips and quick how-tos. You can also watch videos to wind down, or for a few minutes dedicated to entertainment. We suggest giving #standupcomedy a watch for your daily dose of laughter!

You’ve got life hacks and you want to share your knowledge with the world! Well, TikTok is for you. You don’t have to be a production expert to share what you love and what your know on TikTok. Just open the app, hold down the red record button, and share. Check out this simple guide by Skillshare to get started! Happy sharing!

TikTok is a platform to search for what you want. Google recently shared data that they’re being outranked for searches on things like restaurants and associated menus. This also means you’re more likely to see what’s new, what’s featured, and what’s limited availability at your fave café— while others performing google searches for static menus are missing out!

Use TikTok to find all the savings and deals! You might have guessed, but since there are so many communities in the social space, there’s absolutely a savings community! And we’re part of it— Ibotta is verified on TikTok! Just look for the blue check mark next to the user name. Follow Ibotta and browse other money-saving lovers to catch all the cash back by searching #savingmoney. 

Go on, you can brag you saw the best ways to use Ibotta on TikTok.